Monday, December 16, 2013


I had another allergic reaction very early on Sunday morning.  This one, however, didn't send me to the ER.  It's not great news, but I'll take what I can get.

I had a weird day on Saturday.  I slept a lot, but I also had a pretty bad headache (that I was trying to sleep off).  Anyway, I dinner around 1:30 AM, with the plan to still get some more sleep before going to church.  Right after I ate, I could feel the reaction happening.  Because this is the fifth reaction I've had, I noticed it very quickly, so I was able to react much faster than I have before.  Since I have no insurance, I was especially apprehensive about going to the ER (not that it was cheap when I had benefits).  I called my folks and asked what they thought I should do.  My mom immediately suggested that I take an anti-histamine.  I took two Benadryl (the highest recommended doesage) and stayed on the phone, mostly just going over what had happened.  After about twenty minutes, I was starting to feel really drowsy, but my reaction had stopped getting worse; in previous experiences, by about ten minutes into it, my back would be completely covered in welts, while this time I spotted only two or three. I think this was a mild reaction to begin with, but the quick administration of the proper medication also did what it was supposed to.

Now, because the Benadryl made me so drowsy, I didn't get up in time for church.  While that's bad enough on it's own, I was supposed to be the ride for a brother in the ward.  Having needed a ride so recently myself, I felt absolutely awful about leaving him hanging like that.  My Elder's Quorum president promised to patch things up for me, since it wasn't really my fault.  Even if it wasn't my fault, I still regret not being able to fulfill my responsibility.

However, all things considered, the fact that I had an allergic reaction that didn't require a hospital visit is still a sign that things are progressing in the right direction.

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