Friday, September 27, 2013

Shorties 3

As a refresher, here are parts one and two.

The March of Progress
In preparation for some of my upcoming interviews, I bought a new flash drive so I could more easily print files at local business that provide that service.  The last flash drive I had was the size of a small pack of gum and had a storage capacity of 256 MB (which I never even came close to filling up).  This new one is the size of my thumb from the tip to the first knuckle and holds 8 GB.  I'm also pretty sure that that this new one is cheaper than the last one, too.

Just a Little Off the Top
To further prepare for interviews, I got a haircut this week.  I went to a nearby barber that I think mostly caters to older men (based on both the customers and the employees), but I figured that a basic business haircut wouldn't be too hard.  While I would have preferred it a bit shorter, it looks fine.  One weird thing, though: he cleaned up my right sideburn, but completely shaved off left one.  I guess he forgot halfway through?

Everybody's Doing It
I went running yesterday, as per usual, and I was pleased to see at least half a dozen people running on the same route.  It was nice to see that other people in my neighborhood enjoy one of the same activities that I regularly enjoy.

Being that I am working to save money where possible, I made chicken soup on Wednesday.  I had already saved the bones of three whole chickens in the freezer so I could make stock whenever, which I did on Tuesday.  To the stock I added sauteed onions, garlic, and celery, chopped carrots, chicken, and parsley, and finally egg noodles.  I'm not even a big fan of soup, but homemade soups (regardless of the chef) seem to hit the spot for me.

Busy Weekend
On Saturday, I'm attending the temple in the morning to help officiate in baptisms.  We're meeting at the Temple at 7 am, so it's really early for a Saturday, but it'll be worth it.  On top of that, the Ward is having a dinner for the sisters before the Relief Society broadcast that evening and I'll be a server for the event.  Giving up most of my Saturday might normally be a sacrifice, but right now I would simply be selfish if I didn't make myself available.

1 comment:

Marc R. said...

Good for you on that service. Being a blessing to others will bless you too.