Friday, September 20, 2013

Making Everything Last

Because of my current state of unemployment, my Bishop suggested that I use the Bishop's Storehouse for some groceries to make my money last a bit longer.  Since I'm no fool, I took him up on the offer.

Now, for those readers that have never used the Bishop's Storehouse, they offer basic food and toiletry items for members in need.  The things that they offer, especially the food, is good quality stuff.  However, you better know how to cook because only a few things are ready to eat, like cereal and peanut butter.  Fortunately, I know how to cook.

Case in point, last night I had my first dinner in quite some time that didn't involve chicken (I'm not complaining that I've been having a lot of chicken, but it is nice to add some variety).  I slow-cooked a beef roast over a bed of sliced potatoes and onions.  In the freezer, for use later on, I have a ham roast and turkey roast (the church likes to provide roasts, apparently).

Prior to utilizing the Bishop's Storehouse, I was doing what I could to cut costs by shopping at particular places and buying as much as I could in advance.  There have been a couple of times when money was tight, but I didn't need to go shopping again because I had stocked up.

I hope this period of unemployment is short-lived, but for now it's nice to know that I'm making what have last as long as possible.

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