Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Fresh Spring

Thank you to everyone that has been offering prayers on my behalf.  Being unemployed is never easy, even in the best of circumstances.

I had my first interview yesterday.  Without going into too much detail, the job is for an actual technical writing position at a construction company that also does some design work.  They seem understanding of my situation and that losing my job was not due to anything in my control.  I feel that I answered the questions well and with the right amount of exuberance to sell myself properly.  My limited experience has also been taken into account.

Now, this was simply an interview, not a job offer, so nothing may come of it, but job offers only come from job interviews, so at least I'm on the right track.

I also have another interview this Friday.  Again, this would be for another technical writing position, but this one at an HVAC manual publisher.  Having options would not be a bad thing.

On top of that, a third recruiter called me, but I was getting ready for the interview and didn't hear my phone that was in the other room.  When I called her back, I just got her voicemail; I'm sure we'll be able to connect today sometime.

I am very grateful to my Heavenly Father who is absolutely helping me out in my time of need. I have had quite a dry spell with regards to my job search, but it seems that I may have found a spring with which to renew myself.

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