Monday, May 23, 2016

Thank You, Your Honor

My divorce hearing was today.

It was pretty straight forward.  My case was called and Ian and I went in.  I identified myself as the plaintiff and Ian as my witness.  We were both sworn in by the magistrate and asked to sit down.  The magistrate asked me several questions to verify the information I had already submitted -- some questions I answered with names and dates, others I just said yes or no.  Ian was asked a few questions to corroborate my story, which he did.  After reviewing all of the information (including the fact that neither party was seeking damages and that the defendant was served but never responded), the magistrate said she would recommend to the presiding judge to rule in favor of granting the divorce.  I filled out another form and was on my way.  Including waiting to be called in and filling out the final form, the whole process took about an hour.

I would like to reiterate that the magistrate did not make a final ruling; that still needs to be done by a judge.  The magistrate did say she would recommend ruling in my favor, so at least I can be happy about that.  The way it look, the only things left to do are to have the judge make the final decision and a file clerk process the case.  But based on my experience thus far, I'll wait until I have the final papers in my hands before I celebrate.

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