Friday, May 6, 2016

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

Yesterday, I went to see the Baltimore Orioles play against the New York Yankees at Camden Yards.  Just like the last time I attended a live game, I went with my coworkers.  However, unlike last time, I actually liked the people I went with.

Several weeks ago my department had one of our weekly meetings and someone (I think it was me, but I don't remember for sure) brought up the idea of doing something outside of work to build camaraderie and the idea of going to a baseball game was brought up.  Magda, the department manager, loved the idea, despite being completely unfamiliar with the game.  We agreed to look up the game schedule and figure out a date that worked for everyone.  I suggested that we go yesterday as a friendly ribbing to my coworker, Michael, who's originally from New Jersey and is a loyal Yankees fan.  He thought that was pretty funny, so we scheduled the game in our calendars.

Last week, I asked Magda if the department was going to pay for our tickets or if we were expected to buy our own way (I made it clear I was happy either way).  She looked disappointed told me that I ruined the surprise she was planning.  Apparently Magda's boss liked the idea of this team building outing so much, that he bought the tickets for us, as well as gift certificates for food or souvenirs.  All that was left was for us to arrange transportation.  We decided that it would be too much of a hassle to all go in one car, so we split up, with Chelsea and Magda commuting together and Michael and I going in the same car.

As for the game itself, it was a great example of both teams' strong defense.  On both sides, no one got a run in.  One of the Yankees made it third base at one point, but was taken out before he made it home.  Magda asked a lot of questions and we all took turns answering them (I hadn't realize how complicated baseball is, but it has a lot of subtleties that take time to explain).  Eventually, we got to the ninth inning and the game was still tied at 0-0.  Finally, at the bottom of the tenth, Hyun-soo Kim of the Orielos, stole home.  After an entire game of building anticipation, the crowd went wild.

It was a good time.  I enjoyed the company of my coworkers, I had fun at the game, and I got to see more of downtown Baltimore.  We all agreed that we needed to do something similar again sometime.

From left to right: me, Magda, Chelsea, and Micheal.

Yes, I painted my beard orange, and yes, I got a lot of compliments from other fans.

1 comment:

Marc R. said...

Is your beard really orange?