Friday, May 20, 2016


Just as I had in my last ward, I've been volunteering my time in my current ward to help members with their resumes.  I admit that I'm not very quick about it and I know I could be doing a better job with my timeliness, but the senior couple that act as the ward's Employment Specialists only say nice things about the work I've done.  While I know that they're being sincere, it feels like too much.  Maybe I'm thinking about how I don't get to the resumes as fast as I know I could, while they only see what I actually turn in.

This last Sunday, I got to see some of the fruits of my labors. At church, I was introduced to a member who I had not met, but I had worked on her resume.  She came up to me to personally thank me for the help I had provided.  Apparently, she had submitted her resume with my changes and had found a job.  I congratulated her and pointed out that I had only helped with the presentation: if she had had nothing to for me to work with, making it pretty wouldn't have helped.  Still, it was nice to see that my efforts had helped someone.

In an effort to improve my turn around time, I got another resume this afternoon and I already edited it and returned.  Hopefully, I'll be able to keep that kind of pace up in the future.

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