Friday, January 29, 2016

Scrambled Eggs

Have you ever had the feeling like you're moving through pudding every time you take a step?  Like someone cracked your head open like an egg and scrambled your brains?  Like you're wearing a heavy pair of invisible oven mitts?  Like your vision is constantly clouded, like looking through a wall of steam?

Maybe my analogies are specific to me, but I know we've all been sick.  This one is just surprising because other than being sluggish and exhausted, I don't really have other symptoms.  Maybe I'm stressed or I over-exerted myself when I shoveled snow on Sunday and I just need to recuperate.  Maybe I caught a bug and I'll be puking my guts out and wishing I was dead in a few days.  For now, I'm experiencing life in a way that makes me think of kitchen-related similes.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

So sorry you're feeling bad. I hope you can get some extra rest this weekend.