Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Building a Reputation

I've been working at Danfoss for just over two weeks now and I've only worked on a few assignments.  For the most part, I've spent my time either doing research or talking to people who are experts in their particular field.  It's been a slow start, but considering that I'm brand new to the HVAC industry, that shouldn't be surprising.

Despite my inexperience in this industry, I'm not a novice in my field.  Just a few weeks back, I was talking to my dad and excitedly telling him about a recent time when I realized that I was thinking like a technical writer.  And while I haven't fully adopted that way of thinking just yet, I'm able to get in that mindset easily enough that it's not a big deal any more.  And the people I work with have been noticing.

Last week I sent an email to one of the managers (I report only to the Marketing Manager, but I take assignments from the Product Manager and the Sales Manager, too) to ask some questions about a document that I was editing.  When he responded, he threw in something extra:
I have gotten some good feedback from people that have met you, and I think you have the right strategy with digesting the information and asking very direct questions.
That may seem like a something small, but it means that in the very short time that I've been with the company, I've already started making good impressions with people.  And it's a wonderful thing to do your job well and be noticed for it.  I can't wait until I get an assignment I can really sink my teeth into.

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