Friday, October 24, 2014

The Future is Now

Earlier this week I had a job interview using a format that was new to me for that purpose: web video.  While I think the interview went well enough, the experience did offer some new perks and challenges that traditional interviews do not.


  • Simply throw on a dress shirt and tie over your t-shirt and you're dressed for the interview.
  • No commute.
  • No office chair will ever be as comfortable as a sofa.
  • You're now responsible for adequately lighting your home so that you look as good as possible.
  • Audio and video checks take a surprising long amount of time.
  • The host site can crash a few time during set-up (but thankfully never did during the real thing).
  • It's a good idea to sit in front of a blank wall to eliminate background distractions.
  • If you use a laptop on your lap, you'll probably have to position your knees in an unnatural way to ensure that you don't accidentally employ the use of Dutch angles.

Overall, the experience was mostly just weird because it was unfamiliar.  I don't know if web video interviews will be used more and more in the future, but if they are, at least I've had one to get me started.

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