Monday, October 13, 2014

Something Extra

I apologize to my readers for missing Friday's post.  It turns out that when I came home from visiting my sister's family, I brought something extra with me: a cold.  I'm not placing blame on my nieces and nephews since that's just part of growing up but it is a consequence of spending a long weekend with kids that can't remember to cover their mouths when they cough and have to be reminded to blow their nose rather than just sit there and continue to sniffle.

We all deal with colds from time to time, but this one is pretty severe with lots of coughing come deep in the chest.  The cough syrup I picked up helped to combat the symptoms, but only so much.  Luckily, I found a homeopathic remedy that helped to take the edge off my coughing in between doses of medicine.  Mix 1/8 teaspoon of cinnamon with 1/4 teaspoon of ground cloves and 1/4 teaspoon of ground ginger root, add boiling water, and mix with four teaspoons of honey (I also add a shot of cream for flavor).  I call it "Pumpkin Spice Tea" even though it's not a true "tea" since there are no herbs and it's not really pumpkin spice flavor since it's lacking nutmeg.  As far as remedies go, this one is quite enjoyable, though I doubt I'll ever mix up a batch to drink just for fun.

Sunday evening I fell asleep with what felt like a fever (I don't know for sure since I didn't take my temperature) and I woke up several hours later feeling much better.  I guess my body sort of shut down to focus more energy on healing itself.  I'm still not completely better, but coughing doesn't cause my chest to burn anymore, so I'd say the worst is over.

Come back tomorrow for the post that should have been up last Friday.

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