Monday, September 16, 2013

I Need Something With Some Room to Breathe

I'm pretty sure that everyone one knows by now, but I'll post this as a means of making it more official: I lost my job.  It's not as bad as it seems.

First, this has been an incredibly stressful job for me.  I would go as far as saying that this was the most stressful job I've had up to this point in my life.  A lot of that comes from the fact that I didn't get enough direction from my manager, so when I would submit an assignment for her approval, I had no idea if it was what she was looking for.  I thought back to college and how when I would turn in an assignment, especially towards the middle of a semester, I had a pretty good idea of what kind of grade I would receive.  Sure, there were surprises, but after I had a feel for my professor, I could usually know what grade would be on the page when I got it back.  Not with my manager.  After four months, so much of what I was doing was still guesswork.

And that leads to the second reason I was let go, which is that they realized that they need someone with an engineering background.  They thought that they wanted a technical writer (the job was advertised as "Technical Proposal Writer"), but they had just created the position so it turns out that they thought wrong.  It's not really their fault or mine, but it still sucks.

Because the owner felt bad for hiring me and letting me go so fast, they gave me a bonus to help make it easier for me as I look for a job.  In addition to the next paycheck that I have coming anyway, they're giving me three-weeks pay as well as continuing my health insurance until the end of November (and I was instructed that if I haven't found a job by then to let them know and they'll work something out for me to stay covered).  It's still a lousy situations, but they're being generous with the severance package.

I've contacted my Ward's employment specialist and I've gotten in touch with the manager of the temp agency I worked at before RJM to try to get something right away.  I've also already posted my resume on several job boards and I'll continue to add to others as the days go by.

I don't want to make it seem like everything's fine because this is a dangerous situation to be in, but I have faith that this is what needs to happen.  The Lord directed me to move to Maryland so that I could find work and I don't think that it was supposed to be for just a few months.  I have a lot of work to do to find a new job, but I feel strongly that there is a job out there for me.  Maybe a better one, but at the very least a job that can be considered permanent.

1 comment:

Marc R. said...

May you find that job soon!