Monday, September 9, 2013

Day of Service

[A quick update: I did the follow up test on Friday as I said that I would with no reaction whatsoever.  I'm disappointed, but not surprised.]

As I wrote last week, I am the ride for a new member of the ward, Samuel.  I didn't pick him up yesterday because he contacted me ahead of time that he was going out of town to visit someone.  I certainly didn't mind giving Samuel a ride, but a week off wasn't a terrible thing, either.  Well, the Lord recognized that I needed to still serve others and found a way to make up the difference.

Saturday afternoon, I got an email from the Sunday School president asking me to teach the Gospel Doctrine class the next day.  I have plenty of experience teaching Sunday School, but most of that experience has been in either the Primary or the Young Men/Young Women's age ranges.  Teaching people that are my age or older was an entirely different challenge.  Of course, I agreed to teach. (One thing that I think is interesting is that I prepared with the idea that I would ask for lots of class participation, but didn't get as many comments as I hoped for.  Luckily, I was ready to make adjustments and I ended up reading more stories to fill the time.) The class went well and I got a few comments that I did a good job, though I felt that I could have made some improvements.

Later, in Elders' Quorum, one of the members asked if anyone was a fast typist.  We have a deaf fellow who attends the ward and one of the Ward Clerks signs for him for the first two hours, but attends High Priests' Group for the third.  In Elders' Quorum, the deaf member sits next to someone with a laptop and reads the transcription.  I said that I could type quickly and moved into the available seat and started typing.  Now, I should say that the last time that my typing speed was tested (last year some time), it was 50 words per minute.  That's not really fast enough to transcribe someone speaking in real-time, so I had to edit things down.  Picking and choosing what to type and what words to quote what to paraphrase and what to skip was rather nerve-wracking.  By the end of the meeting, the back of my shirt was wet because I was sweating so hard.  The brother (I never learned his name, unfortunately) that I was typing for shook my hand and made it clear that he appreciated my effort to include him in the lesson.

I know that service is an important part of life and as we work to lift others up, we end up on a higher level as a result.


Marc R. said...

Good for you!

Crystal said...

You're right! Thank you for sharing your experience. That was very inspiring.

Grandma Bonnie said...

Thank you for setting such a good example for me. Sunday the Bishop ask me to provide friendship and transportation for a new Sister in the Ward. She lives in a home for advanced Alzheimer. I sign her out and sign her in the home. I felt a little fearful at first but she is sweet and like a child that needs directions. All is well and I can fill the Bishops request.