Friday, October 29, 2010

Taking the good with the bad.

First off, thanks to everyone that fasted this last Sunday. While Allison hasn't found work yet, I'm still confident that it will happen shortly. She has been applying to everywhere in town and I've even been asking around at work if anyone knows of any openings (which did give us some new leads). It's important to not give up.

The Lord has blessed us in a different way. I've made more money this week than I have in a long, long time. That's significant. I work hard, but I also have faith that the Lord will bless me with what we need. A while ago, Allison figured out what I needed to make every day for us to get by. I nearly always make that (which is an increase from when Allison was working).

However, with the additional funds come other challenges. Our SNAP benefits (food stamps) have been revoked. It's really silly because the reason cited was that I make too much money. Since Allison is a full-time student, she's required to work 20 hours a week to qualify for benefits. That's fine, but it also means that I'm the only one on the application. So, I make too much money for one person, but I'm making money for two. This is really frustrating and an additional reason why we need Allison to find work.

I'm doing my best to be patient, and for the most part I am, but I'm still nervous. I know that the fast that so many people participated in has not been ignored by the Lord, but I don't know how much longer we have to wait. Like I said, I'm confident that because of the fast, Allison will soon find work, but . . . will "soon" be soon enough? I pray daily that it will be.


Marc R. said...

I'm glad you are making more money. I prayed that Allison would find work or that you would find another source of income. Sounds like that prayer was answered literally.

Crystal said...

Has Allison applied to Walmart? They are always hiring here.