Friday, October 1, 2010

Larsen Award

I've decided that as a family, we should have our own award for doing things so totally Larsen-like (because Larseny sounds so illegal). So, if you see someone doing something that is eponymous of this family, give them a Larsen Award.

I was at a work meeting, going over the new menu the restaurant will be using. It quickly became a session of "Morning Crew Sucks." Since I work one shift a week with the morning crew, I was asked if I noticed a difference between the two crews. I responded by saying, "The difference is palpable." Since no one knew what I had said, I corrected myself and said that I could easily tell the difference between the level of teamwork.

During my next shift, my manager asked me what I meant by "palpable." I said it meant a feeling so strong that you can touch it. He didn't believe me, so I told him to look it up on an online dictionary. He did and my definition was an almost word for word match.

For something like that, I would be eligible for a Larsen Award. Alas, the only rule (I made it up, so I make up the rules) is that you cannot give the award to yourself. However, I have already given the newest Larsen (I don't care what her last name is, she's still a Larsen) a Larsen Award.

Now go and bequeath!


Margot said...

I graciously accept the honor of the first (as far as I know) Larsen Award on her behalf. Thank you!

Amanda said...

1) What did Phoebe do to get the award?

2) You get one for using eponymous in your blog

3) Ian gets one for asking me if Clara used "daddy" as a pejorative. I told him I would gladly answer if I had a clue what he was talking about.

4) I think I should get one for informing my friend that it is spelled, "me neither," and not, "mean either." This is a true story. I kid you not.

5) That is all.