Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Can't Stop Baking

For the Thanksgiving celebration at my sister's, we had fifteen pies.  Even with us cheating by buying a few pies from the store, that's still a lot of pies to make.  My sister, Margot, made three pies and her nine-year-old son, Peter, made one too.  That left me to make six pies myself.  What flavor of pies did we have?  Nearly all of them.

  • 3 sugar-free, crustless pumpkin pies (Margot)
  • 2 double-sweet pumpkin pies (me)
  • 2 chocolate angel pies (me)
  • 1 sugar-free apple pie (Peter)
  • 1 pecan pie (me)
  • 1 eggnog pie (me)
  • 1 razzleberry pie (store)
  • 1 coconut creme pie (store)
  • 1 mince pie (store)
  • 1 sugary cherry pie (store)
  • 1 sugar-free cherry pie (store bought, but we had to put it together)
The week after I came back, I barely cooked for myself and I ate out way too much since I was worn out from all the time I spent in the kitchen.  Well, I guess I'm over it because I brought muffins to share with my coworkers on Monday, I brought some weird pseudo-brownies in today, and I have plans for more stuff for Friday and Saturday.  I guess after a long day at work, nothing relaxes me like making sugary treats.

A rare bearded baker at work in his natural habitat.

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