Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Nice Guy

At work I have to ask a lot of questions.  I try not to bother people and if I can, I'd rather do a task on my own and unassisted.  However, because I'm still pretty new at my job, I can't help but ask questions.  In particular, I ask one of my coworkers whose cubicle is across from me.  I ask her, not only because of her proximity, but also because she's done most of my job in the past making her rather experienced.

Anyway, whenever I ask questions, I try to be very polite and thank her for her help.  What's weird about it is that she says that I'm being so nice, simply because I'm polite.  I feel like I'm being a big annoyance (and a bit of a dunderhead since I know there are some questions I've asked more than once) and being polite is simply trying to make up for that in a small way.  I don't feel "nice" so much as "not-completely-rude."

Still, the sentiment is a good one, in that I'm seen as a nice person.  If only they really knew me ...

1 comment:

Marc R. said...

Good job. Gratitude, which is part of the politeness you referred to, is an important virtue--and far too rare.