Friday, July 19, 2013

Busy Week

This week I have been very busy.  I haven't taken a lunch break once this week and have worked at least nine hours in a day and yesterday, I worked eleven hours straight.  I've been rather busy preparing emails that I've sent off to other companies, along with other information like our employees and their experiences and what they would do if hired.

Additionally, I had an other seizure moment, or whatever it is.  I lost the ability to speak for a few moments, which is not unusual, but I also completely forgot what I was doing.  Once I was able to speak again, I went and asked my supervisor what I was working on because I had no idea what I was supposed to be doing.  She was surprised that I was asking about it, but once she explained, I remembered and was able to finish up the project.

I already have an appointment to meet with my doctor tomorrow to go over the test results and discuss my allergies, but while I'm there I'm going to bring up these weird seizure-like events and see if I can't find out how to stop them from happening.

1 comment:

Marc R. said...

I am glad that you are working so hard. I trust that your boss will see your good works and be pleased too. Perhaps an on-going to-do list might mitigate a similar memory loss later. That memory loss does sound very like a seizure symptom. Good luck in finding a medical solution.