Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Poll Dancer

Today, I exercised my civic responsibility and voted.  It was not only my first time voting in Maryland, it was my first time voting outside of California.

The polling place I was assigned to was a local Shriner's temple.  After a bit of confusion on which room I was assigned (I was in the clubhouse, not the dining hall), I had my ballot.  In addition to voting for Evan McMullin as a write-in presidential candidate, I voted on local matters, nearly all of which entailed Baltimore County borrowing money for civic works projects.

As I was leaving, I saw a mother with her daughter outside selling Girl Scout cookies.  I was impressed with the cleverness of their location choice ("Feeling awful about the election?  Drown your sorrows in sugar!"), so I bought a couple of boxes to share with the office.

To my surprise, I was feeling anxious as I drove to the polling place.  I didn't know why I was feeling that way, but as I drove away feeling relieved, it was clear what the cause was.  This election cycle has been terrible in so many ways and I'm just glad it's over.

Hopefully our country is strong enough to withstand whichever deplorable person makes it to the White House.  Fingers crossed!

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