Wednesday, February 3, 2016

What a Waste

Last week, I felt under the weather so I decided to take the week off from the gym.  I had mixed up a protein shake with some berries, but since I hadn't worked out, I decided to save the shake and drink it the next time I worked out, so as to not waste the protein powder and fruit.

I went to the gym yesterday.  After I was done exercising, I shook up the shake and opened the bottle to a loud "pop" sound.  The bottle was pressurized, which meant that the fruit had fermented.  I considered not drinking it, but decided that it would be a waste of money if I just dumped it down the drain, so down the hatch it went.

You may already know where this is going.  I drank it and about an hour later, I endured the first of many trips to the bathroom that night.  I'll spare you the details, but rest assured that it was not pretty.

I tried to save money by not wasting one scoop of protein powder (which costs less than a dollar) and I ended up wasting it in a different way.  Lesson learned: when in doubt, throw it out!

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