Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Major History

As I mentioned previously, Major came to us from Rachel, though not directly. Rachel adopted Major several years ago, but when Rachel became pregnant with her first daughter, Coraline, Major did not handle Rachel's hormonal changes well and began relieving herself in the house in protest. Major was temporarily re-homed until after Coraline was born, but was able to join them again. However, when Rachel became pregnant the second time, this time with Gemma, Rachel and and her husband Chris decided that it was time to find Major a new permanent home. Major was sent to live with Chris' mom and step-mom in Florida, where she stayed for a couple of years.

Late last year, Major was picked up by animal control, apparently after she was found wandering the streets of Baltimore. Thankfully, Rachel had Major microchipped, so she was called to retrieve the lost dog. We never got a clear answer for how Major ended up on the streets of Baltimore.

When Major was rehomed the first time, Leah and I considered taking her in, but Chris' moms volunteered before we could throw our hat into the ring. This time, Leah wasn't willing to let anyone else take her (knowing how much she loves dogs, and Major in particular, I knew better than to try to argue). Once the holidays were over, we were ready for her.

You might be wondering about the fact that we're trying to get pregnant. Will Major be rehomed again when Leah's hormones change? I asked Leah the very same thing, but she told me that if Major reacts poorly again, we'll just have to clean up after her. Hopefully it won't come to that, but that's the level of dedication Leah has for her dogs.

Either way, I'm glad that Major has a permanent home with us.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Major is a very lucky dog to have found her way to you.