Wednesday, April 4, 2018

General Conference, April 2018

This past weekend was General Conference, which I always enjoy, but this was special because it was the first one I shared with Leah since we got married. Add to that the Solemn Assembly and the changes made to Priesthood organization (High Priests joining the Elders Quorum of each ward and branch) and ministering (doing away with Home and Visiting Teaching), this was quite an exciting Conference.

In addition to the big changes listed above, the biggest takeaways I had involved our worship of Christ and our interactions with others. The importance of selfless service—not as a way to talk about the gospel, but simply as a way to help our fellow man—was repeated numerous times. And with so many people reiterating the late President Monson's advice to read the Book of Mormon prompted Leah and me to again hold daily family scripture study (which we conducted for several months, but got out of the habit of).

I'm so grateful that we have a living prophet in President Russel M. Nelson and look forward to his ministry, however long it may be.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

I agree this was a great conference! I think we are being asked to live a higher law with ministering instead of home/visiting teaching. I'm excited to see what the new ministering looks like. Conference is always good motivation for moving forward.