Monday, October 9, 2017

The Weekend of Food

This weekend, Leah's older brother, Rob, visited from Washington State and brought his eleven-year-old daughter, Becca. Also visiting was Leah's youngest sister, Allie, from Maryland State University. Knowing this, I volunteered to cook two meals: breakfast on Saturday morning and dinner on Sunday evening.

For Saturday's breakfast, I arrived a little after eight AM and started making blueberry compote. While that cooked on the stove, I mixed up some pancake batter and heated up a griddle. I made about thirty blueberry pancakes, stacking them up as I went. Becca helped out by microwaving plate after plate of bacon (we made a total of three pounds). As we got close to finishing up, I started cracking egg into a mixing bowl. I added salt and pepper to the fourteen or fifteen eggs and starting beating them. That's when I found out that Leah's other younger sister, Megan, doesn't like blueberries, so I had Leah mix up another small batch of pancake batter. I reheated the griddle and poured the eggs into a hot skillet. With the eggs scrambled and Megan's seven or eight pancakes done, we all sat down to eat. Everyone ate as much as they wanted and there were still a few pancakes leftover, though the bacon, eggs, and compote were all finished off.

For Sunday, I made pumpkin cookies the night before and put them out for people to munch on throughout the day. And munch on them they did. Since it was Fast Sunday, I waited until dinner to eat anything, and there only eight or nine cookies left from the original three-and-a-half dozen. For dinner itself, I roasted two whole chickens, boiled and mashed nearly an entire ten pound bag of potatoes, and sautéed a few pounds of zucchini and onions, or at least I tried to. The pan I used to sauté was smaller than I needed it to be, so I put the lid on in an attempt to have it cook more evenly, which it did, but it also ended getting steamed instead of sautéed. Regardless, there was plenty of food and Allie even took leftovers before she headed back to college.

While I did get lots of compliments on the food I made, I didn't do it for the praise. I like cooking and I like serving people, so when I can combine the two together, it makes for a happy (if tired) Jordan.

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