Friday, December 10, 2010

10 things about me that may be surprising . . .

  1. I'm taking 15 units next semester (really 20, since my internship only counts for 3), yet I've started seriously thinking about applying to be a columnist at the school paper. That probably means I'm partially insane. Allison's been supportive, which may mean that she is, too.
  2. I've been to therapy twice in my life. The first time to deal with a powerfully controlling addiction. The second time to deal with nearly debilitating anxiety. Both times helped quite a bit (the second time happened this semester).
  3. On the weekends, I sometimes play a video game called Fate.
  4. I've been lectured multiple times at work that I need to be nicer to my co-workers. Allison thinks that's stupid. Even so, I'm up for a promotion (finally!).
  5. I haven't read a single novel for fun this whole semester. That's been tough.
  6. I'm a jerk pretty much every time I have to deal with customer service in any way. It gets in the way most time, but sometimes Allison sics me on particularly difficult workers. I really don't know why I do it.
  7. I own a belt that I bought on my mission that was made by an Amish tanner. It's really good quality and I like it, but it doesn't work anymore. Since dropping six inches from my waist, I should just add holes, but I never have.
  8. I've only recently gotten over being embarrassed by my undersized calves. I still think they're small, but I've made good progress on them.
  9. When I was in California, I felt that I was conservative. Here in Oklahoma, I feel that I'm much more liberal. My political views haven't shifted much.
  10. I own more shoes now than I ever have. Seven pairs.
What were you surprised by?


Margot said...

Everything, to varying degrees.

Ian said...

You get props for being so candid. Some things surprised and others I already knew.

Jordan said...

Thanks, guys, but the point was to say WHAT surprised you.