Monday, March 1, 2010

Video Update (Feb. 22 - 28)

The fanciness continues . . .


Crystal said...

It is no fun being sick. I hope you get better soon. Jordan, what do you weigh? Are both of you taking vitamins? You sound very busy. Maybe being sick is the only way you can get some rest.

Margot said...

I agree, it's nearly impossible to find jeans that fit. I have the combination of long legs and an almost-short waist that makes it tricky. Have you tried buying some online? Maybe some that you've liked in the past?

Sleep and a humidifier are my two recommendations for getting over being sick. Then again, we were sick for most of the Winter, so I probably don't know what I'm talking about.

We celebrated National Pancake Day, but we did it at home with pancakes we made ourselves.

Sorry I haven't sent those curtains yet. They're in a box, I just need to put your address on it and send it. I'll be honest, I've had trouble accomplishing much at all lately. Hopefully that will change soon.

Peter liked the transitions you used in the editing. In fact, he talked most of the time you were talking (as he does to us too) but he was quiet and paid close attention to the scene changes.

Paige said...

your coughing startled Clara :)

Marc R. said...

My heart goes out to your in your time of misery. I just had a 3-week cold, but I didn't have to work insane hours and did have a couple of long weekends. So I can sympathize without taking responsibility for having given it to you.