Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Things I Miss

So this is my first blog entry, although I have contributed to the experiences that Jordan often writes about, I haven't actually posted anything myself. Before I start, here is a small disclaimer or warning: If I don't make sense in what I am writing that's because I am left handed, or at least that's what Jordan tells me. Anyway, I wanted to make a list of some of the things I miss about California (besides family because that's obvious and uninteresting :))
Golden Spoon Frozen Yogurt- it is the best and it's good for you, my favorite flavors are cake batter and chocolate malt. If you have never experienced the power of this deliciousness you are definitely missing out.
Spicy Mexican Carrots- They are just carrots in vinegar and jalapenos, so spicy, soooo good. I can eat so many of them. At the local Wal-Mart, which is a huge deal here, they only have canned spicy carrots. They are not as good as the ones I used to get a Colimas in Oceanside. Jordan even went around to all the Mexican food places in Stillwater and they hadn't even heard of them.
My cat Cheeka- I miss her so much, she loved me and for the longest time when Jordan and I were just dating I wouldn't tell him her name. I would say it really fast and he thought I was saying Jenga, like the game. Her real name is Jackie but somehow her name evolved into being Cheeka. But if you know anything about my family it's that we give each other and our pets many different names. For example my mom calls my brother Jason, George or Georgie. She has called me Monkey, Dorothy, and now its Sissy. We had a cat named Fred and we called him Bean, and eventually changed that to Pete. Yep, so I miss my cat Cheeka.
Palm Trees everywhere- I took them for granted but they really are a cool tree. There are a lot of trees in Stillwater. It is very green, probably because we get really scary thunderstorms every other day.
California Accents- I think California is accent-less for the most part but not here. People say weird things like pop instead of soda. If someone doesn't hear you instead of saying "What was that?" or "Pardon?" they say "Do what?" It is very strange, I pointed this out to a co-worker of mine and he agreed that it doesn't make sense and everyone including him says it.
Smaller Bugs- If you know me at all you know that I hate bugs. Some bugs here could be mistaken for babies they are so big. Cicadas are everywhere. They are huge fly like things that make rattlesnake noises and when there are thousands of them it is quite scary walking outside.
Ok well these are just a few of the things I miss about California. I am not a Southern belle and never will be.


Crystal said...

It is interesting how it is the small things we take for granted that we miss the most when they're gone. Sometimes the little stuff really does matter.

Cape Coop said...

I am a native of South Florida, and we moved to NJ just outside NYC about 5 years ago. Things were different but not too different- at least, aside from the accents- the people spoke regular English.. Then, a few weeks ago, we moved to south NJ. The people here think that South NJ is a SOUTHERN state- I mean, really! They say "Do what?" and "Y'All"- they call soda 'pop'- there is NO such thing as frozen yogurt anywhere around here- not even PinkBerry! There are confederate flags on the backs of trucks-they're just a bunch of rednecks! ;) Anyway, I was surfing, saw your blog post and had to laugh in recognition of the displaced feeling. Thanks for being HERE! Rebecca

Anonymous said...

Wow South NJ says "Do what?" also? Ha that is a shame, it makes no sense. Thanks for the comment1

Margot said...

I never knew how much I loved palm trees until I moved to Utah. And people here don't say meal, they say mill. Sale is sell, we'll is will, etc. Sometimes it's difficult to determine what people are saying.

Excellent first post!

Amanda said...

I've definitely learned from moving all different places throughout my life that you learn to appreciate the good things about places while, of course, still missing things about the places you leave behind. I never thought I would miss Indiana, but it turns out that I do. Who knew. :p

I'm glad to see that you've started to post also. :) I hope Chemistry doesn't do too much of a job on you!