Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Professor Baby.

So, I know that at 26 I'm pretty old to still be working on my bachelor's degree. I'm okay with this fact for a few reasons. It's never too late to finish your education, but really: I took off a year to work, two years for my mission, then I had trouble with school (y'know, failing it) and didn't get properly on with my schooling for an additional two years. That's five years accounted for and while I would do things differently given the chance, I'm okay with where I am and happy to be moving forward.

Why am I going on about age? I just found out that my Government teacher is younger than me. And Allison. And Paige, even. He's 22. He was talking about 9/11 on the eight year anniversary we just had and mentioned that he could still remember when it happen when he was a freshman in high school. I chatted with him for a minute today and mentioned that this was the first time that I've ever had a professor younger than me. He asked how old I was and when I told him, he responded with, "Wow" (like I'm so old!). Anyway, he said when his birthday was, in what I think was an attempt to reassure me that it was okay because his birthday's later in the year. Well, I'm not reassured.

Allison thinks that he must know someone at the school to be able to be a teacher so soon. I'm inclined to agree. I mean, I guess good for him for making it to this point in his life so quickly, but it's just really weird. Normally, freshman or sophomores take American Government, so there's a good bet that he's a least somewhat older than most students; I'm a fluke because I'm a transferred junior, who normally wouldn't take the class.

To help you visualize, here's a pretty good likeness of Mr. Cunningham.


Ian said...

Just be sure that when you bring your teacher an apple it's in puree form.

Jordan said...

I'll make sure I bring him a bib set as an end of year gift. (By the way, Allison laughed more at your comment than at the original post.)

Grandma Bonnie said...

I always read your post and I have finally figured out how to comment. Please keep on bloging.