Friday, August 14, 2009


In my last post, I mentioned that tuition is high and that I'm annoyed where the money goes. I wrote that "tuition is pretty stonking high already." One of my readers pointed out to me that "stonking" isn't a word. The exchange (which took place through email) went something like this:

(It may help if you imagine us with British accents, for some reason)

Reader: Good sir, I have the utmost respect for you and your skills as a writer, but I believe you may have accidentally included a typographical error in your last entry on your internet website. I am sure that this was not intended and I wanted to point it out in electronic mail as to not embarrass you publicly.

Me: Gentleman, I am convinced that you are filled with the wisdom of the ages, but alas, I have gone through with both a visual inspection and the use of a "spell checking" device and have found no errors present. I am sure that you meant nothing offensive by your message and I assure you that no offense was taken, though perhaps in the future you should be certain of others mistakes before pointing them out.

Reader: Most gracious sir, while I do respect your brilliance as a writer, you used the word "stonking" and that clearly cannot be right. Perhaps you should go and edit your post.

Me: Kind reader, if you are under the impression that I meant "stinking," I promise you that I chose the word "stonking" on purpose.

The above conversation may or may not be verbatim as to how it actually happened.

Anyway, I looked up "stonking" at It means "excellent, very impressive" or "extremely, also called stonkingly." My reader may simply not have known that "stonking" was a word, just as "stonkingly" is. In my defense, "stonking" is recognized by Firefox's spell check, but "stonkingly" is not.

Also, my readership is limited to family, so you know the reader. I didn't mean any offense by this post, I just wanted to rewrite the conversation in hoity-toity Brit-speak. Oi!

1 comment:

Ian said...

I have to admit, even though you said in the post that you looked it up I had to look it up too. Craziness.