Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Independence Day, 2017

Yesterday was the Fourth of July, which I mostly spent with Leah.

We began the day by attending a pancake breakfast hosted by the family ward that we live in and will be a part of once we're married. This is Leah's mom Debbie's ward and I've met a few people there before, but this gave me the chance to meet a few more.

After breakfast, we went to the grocery store for some last minute items we would need for our little barbecue we were planning later on. After we dropped the food off at Leah's parents' place, we went to the movie theater. Our movie of choice? Wonder Woman.

Wonder Woman was a fun movie, though I predicted the ending. Still, there were little touches that I really appreciated. For example, Wonder Woman is played by Gal Gadot, an Israeli actress. That means that she speaks with a bit of an accent. Rather than ignore it (as was done for most of Arnold Schwarzenegger's movies), the rest of the Amazons have a similar accent. That detail helped make the world the movie was creating more believable for me.

After the movie, we went back to Leah's parents' place to grill up some hamburgers. Leah's dad, Ulf, was on his own and was enjoying his time mowing the lawn when we arrived. He had offered me the use of his propane grill, but had lost track of time while mowing and hadn't had a chance to clean it. Since Leah had to be to work in about an hour, I opted to simply use a pan on the stove. I formed the patties by hand, something I'd never done before. We also boiled some corn on the cob and ate the burgers on toasted buns. After cleaning up, Leah went to work and I went home.

After a nap, I did some work to alleviate some problems I've been having with the septic tank. (Since I completely skipped blogging in June, I should mention that last month I moved into Leah's place and she moved in with her parents. Since Leah's family owns the property I'm staying in, we'll be saving a lot on rent, which I've already started using to pay off debts.) While outside, I was bit three times by mosquitoes; fortunately, I still have some steroidal cream from when I had eczema last summer, so the itching soon stopped.

I may not have watched any fireworks, but I spent a good portion of the day with woman I love, which sounds like a great way to spend any holiday.